Getting Your Act Together for #GivingTuesday

As marketers, we all know those editorial calendars should be built out at least 90 days in advance. However … if you’ve waited this long to think about your #GivingTuesday strategy, all is not lost. Giving Tuesday is a global  generosity movement launched in 2012, at the 92nd Street Y in New York City, with not much more than 30 days’ notice either. It has grown to a movement that in 2020 generated at least $2.47 Billion in twenty-four hours in the U.S. alone. And, good news! Donors were giving at record high levels during the pandemic. 

Always held on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, this year #GivingTuesday is November 30th. Short lead times are no problem with social media. However, with popularity comes competition, so, how can your organization stand out?

 Get specific. Instead of one post on the “day of,” choose one program or funding need your social media followers can readily identify with and create your drive around that. When you share where donation dollars go, you give your organization credibility and fuel donor buy-in and confidence.

“$25 cleans the water supply”

“$50 serves lunch for a week”

“$100 trains 3 demining volunteers”

“$250 provides a lifesaving veterinary surgery”

Skip the generic feel good, happy faces and use photos of your clients, volunteers, and projects to tell the story and increase conversion. Everyone appreciates behind-the-scenes photos which show, rather than tell, about your organization’s good works.

No need to reinvent the wheel, get #GivingTuesday graphics and toolkit here: to add your organization’s outreach.

Don’t just use the #GivingTuesday hashtag, though. Add your specific industry and donation drive to gain social momentum. For instance, #coatsforkids, #aidsawareness #cleanwater, #helpingthehomeless, #fooddrive, #sustainablefood.

Can you get your team together in a hurry?

Don’t wait til November 30th. Start announcing your fundraising needs as soon as you can with ideas like, “We’re creating an AmazonSmile page for Giving Tuesday.” Or, “Go through your closet now and start putting aside those gently used clothes for our #GivingTuesday drive.” 

More than just money. While donations are certainly necessary to any nonprofit organization, so are volunteers. Your posts can appeal to those people who like to roll their sleeves up for a good cause, and because you are not asking for money, your post will stand out from the millions of others that day. This is the perfect time to harness those individuals and families who look for opportunities to serve during the holidays. 

It’s not all over on Tuesday. Here are two ways to get more mileage out of #GivingTuesday.

You may not have time to promote #GivingTuesday in your newsletter but be sure to talk about your success in the next newsletter to come out and include all the ways to give. 

Appeal to the procrastinators out there with “morning after” posts.  “It’s Not Too Late.” “Giving Tuesday might be over, but the fight to end hunger isn’t.” 

Then sit back, appreciate the community support you’ve generated, and start thinking about next year’s marketing campaign. Plus, watch for Charleston American Marketing Association’s upcoming nonprofit-focused marketing coffee talks starting up in 2022.

Charleston AMA Announces 2021 Spark! Awards Winners

2021 Spark! Awards

Charleston American Marketing Association (AMA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Spark! Awards. The annual Spark! Awards is the premier marketing event of the Lowcountry that honors creative and marketing excellence in the Charleston community. After receiving hundreds of submissions in 20 categories, fellow AMA chapter, AMA Tahoe, judged and casted their votes for finalists and winners, while Charleston AMA Board of Directors selected winners for Marketer of the Year, The Giving Award, and Chapter Volunteer of the Year.

Awards finalists, Charleston area marketing professionals, and business leaders gathered for the lively awards celebration on September 23 where winners were revealed. The awards were hosted by event emcee Whitney McDuff, who is a recent winner of Best Marketing/PR Company for Charleston City Paper’s 2021 Best of Charleston.

Charleston AMA is thankful for this year’s sponsors, including Nelson Printing, Squeeze Marketing, Fox Audio Visual, Larry Monteith Photography, Seth G. Music, Holy City Sinner and Chris Hervochon CPA CVA.

And the winners are…

Charleston AMA 2021 Marketer of the Year:
Charlotte Berger, CharlotteBergerPR

The Giving Award:
Stan Foxworthy, Foxworthy Studios

Chapter Volunteer of the Year:
Taylor Ion, Charleston AMA Director of Marketing and Communications

Best Book Cover
WINNER: Advantage | ForbesBooks – Stuck In The Middle Seat by Stephen E. Gerard
Advantage | ForbesBooks – Stuck In The Middle Seat by Stephen E. Gerard
Advantage | ForbesBooks – Hidden Wealth by Terry H. Monroe –
Banks Creative – Eleanor, Alice and the Roosevelt Ghosts by Dianne K. Salerni
G Sharp Design – Mindscaping

Best Branding
WINNER: Squeeze Marketing – Lowcountry Trolley
PlanSource – PlanSource
Trio Solutions – Marketing Impact Assistant (aka M.I.A)

Best Corporate Blog
WINNER: Roper St. Francis Hospital – House Calls Magazine and Health Hub Blog
Stingray Branding – Tumbleston Photography
Winkler Group – Winkler Group Corporate Blog: Part 1 – Counterintuitive Fundraising

Best Corporate Identity
WINNER: Roper St. Francis Hospital – Roper St. Francis Healthcare Brand 2020
Trio Solutions – Bleecker Family Law

Best Collateral
WINNER: Rawle Murdy – Desert Highlands
Push Digital – Stop Soldier Suicide – 2020 Impact Report
Squeeze Marketing – Lowcountry Trolley

Best Content Marketing
WINNER: Lunch + Recess – Vertical Roots Brand Video
BoomTown – The BoomTown Effect
PlanSource – Employee Communications Interactive Site

Best Digital or Print Ad
WINNER: Push Digital – Dermatology & Laser Center of Charleston
Rawle Murdy – Terminix

Best Direct Mail
WINNER: PlanSource – THRIVE SalesCon Box and Deliverables

Best e-Newsletter
WINNER: Charleston County Parks – Charleston County Parks Explore

Best Event Marketing
WINNER: Mex 1 Coastal Cantina – Mex 1 Snowboard Rail Jam
BoomTown – Unite
Push Digital – Lung Cancer Research Foundation – Free to Breathe Event
PlanSource – Eclipse Live Marketing Collateral

Best Fundraising Campaign
WINNER: CharlotteBergerPR – Warrior Surf Foundation Surfboard Auction

Best Social Media Presence
WINNER: Rawle Murdy – Mattress Firm
Charleston County Parks – Charleston County Parks Facebook Page –
Push Digital – Stop Soldier Suicide

Best Illustration
WINNER: Banks Creative – College of Charleston ‘What Type of Cougar are You?
Banks Creative- College of Charleston ‘What Type of Cougar are You?
Charleston County Parks – Step Into Nature
Lunch + Recess – Osprey and Snake Illustration

Best Logo Design
WINNER: In the Black Marketing & Consulting – Migliori’s Pizza
Gibbes Film in Focus – Banks Creative
Stingray Branding – Juneteenth
Stingray Branding – Your Space Designs
TRIO Solutions – Ruby’s Academy

Best Non-Traditional Marketing
WINNER: Banks Creative – Gibbes on the Street – Gibbes on the Couch
CharlotteBergerPR – LoDi Coffee Sleeve Design
Rawle Murdy – Primland Resort

Best Social Media Campaign
WINNER: Matchstick Social – Kickin Chicken
Chernoff Newman – MUSC Don’t Go Viral
Nelson Strategic Marketing – Meals on Wheels Summerville: Stories of Isolation

Best Pandemic Pivot
WINNER: ArcheMedX, Inc. – COVID-19’s Effect on Virtual Tech in Clinical Trials
CharlotteBergerPR – Warrior Surf Foundation Surfboard Auction
Maggie Mills – Take Maggie’s Word for It

Best Promotional Video
WINNER: Lowcountry Local First – Every Dollar Matters
BoomTown – Success Assurance
Charleston Battery – This Is Your Club
Mara James – Shiksona Beauty

Best Website
WINNER: Squeeze Marketing – Lowtide Brewing
Push Digital –
Squeeze Marketing – Southern Concepts
Stingray Branding – Wild Blue Ropes

2021 SPARK! Awards Finalists

Drum roll, please! We’re excited to announce finalists for the 2021 Spark! Awards. This year, 112 exceptional entries were submitted in 20 categories reflecting the creativity and skillful execution of the applicants who innovated and pivoted during a pandemic to create dynamic, successful marketing. Do you see your entries among the finalists? Category winners will be announced at this year’s awards ceremony. In addition, The Giving Award, Marketer of the Year, and Chapter Volunteer of the Year will be announced at the event!

We want to thank the AMA Reno-Tahoe board of directors who judged this year’s submissions. The top 3 entries were selected as finalists in each category. In the case of tied scores, up to 5 finalists were selected. We appreciate all of the judges who spent their time and assistance to make the 2021 Spark! Awards a success.

We look forward to seeing finalists and Charleston marketers at the Spark! Awards Ceremony on Thursday, September 23. Learn more about this year’s prom themed event, and get your ticket here!

Best Book Cover

Stephen’s Book – Advantage | ForbesBooks

Terry’s Book – Advantage | ForbesBooks

Hand Lettered Design – Banks Creative

Mindscaping – G Sharp Design

Best Branding

PlanSource – PlanSource

Lowcountry Trolley – Squeeze Marketing

Marketing Impact Assistant (aka M.I.A) – Trio Solutions

Best Corporate Blog

Roper St. Francis Healthcare Brand 2020 – Roper St. Francis Hospital

Tumbleston Photography – Stingray Branding

Winkler Group Corporate Blog: Part 1 – Counterintuitive Fundraising – Winkler Group

Best Corporate Identity

Roper St. Francis Healthcare Brand 2020 – Roper St. Francis Hospital

Bleecker Family Law – Trio Solutions

Best Collateral

Stop Soldier Suicide – 2020 Impact Report- Push Digital

Scottsdale AZ – Rawle Murdy

Lowcountry Trolley – Squeeze Marketing

Best Content Marketing

What’s your boom effect? – BoomTown

Vertical Roots – Lunch + Recess

Employee Communications Interactive Site – PlanSource

Best Digital/Print Ad

Dermatology & Laser Center of Charleston – Push Digital

Terminix – Rawle Murdy

Best Direct Mail

SalesCon Box and Deliverables – PlanSource

Best e-Newsletter

Charleston County Parks Explore – Charleston County Parks

Best Event Marketing

Unite – BoomTown

Mex 1 Snowboard Rail Jam – Mex 1 Coastal Cantina

Lung Cancer Research Foundation – Free to Breathe Event – Push Digital

Eclipse Live Marketing Collateral – PlanSource

Best Fundraising Campaign

Warrior Surf Foundation Surfboard Auction – CharlotteBergerPR

Best Social Media Presence

Charleston County Parks Facebook Page – Charleston County Parks

Stop Soldier Suicide – Push Digital

Mattress Firm – Rawle Murdy

Best Illustration

Greenville – Banks Creative

College of Charleston ‘What Type of Cougar are You?’ – Banks Creative

Park Step – Charleston County Parks

Snake Illustration – Lunch + Recess

Best Logo Design

Gibbes Film in Focus Logo – Banks Creative

Migliori’s Pizza- In The Black Marketing & Consulting

Juneteenth logo – Stingray Branding

Your Space – Stingray Branding

Miss Ruby – TRIO Solutions

Best Non-Traditional Marketing

Caribbean Street Art Festival – Banks Creative

LoDi – CharlotteBergerPR

Primland Resort – Rawle Murdy

Best Social Media Campaign

MUSC Don’t Go Viral – Chernoff Newman

Kickin Chicken – Matchstick Social

Meals on Wheels – Nelson Strategic Marketing

Best Pandemic Pivot

COVID-19’s Effect on Virtual Tech in Clinical Trials – ArcheMedX, Inc.

Warrior Surf Foundation Surfboard Auction – CharlotteBergerPR

Take Maggie’s Word for It – Maggie Mills

Best Promotional Video

Success Assurance – BoomTown

Charleston Battery – Charleston Battery

Buy Local Season – Lowcountry Local First

Shiksona Beauty – Mara James

Best Website – Push Digital

Lowtide Brewing – Squeeze Marketing

Southern Concepts – Squeeze Marketing

Wild Blue Ropes – Stingray Branding

Budweiser: A short history of advertising during prohibition

Budweiser: An American Marketing Icon

Budweiser, an American icon and a beer brand that is well known beyond US borders, has always been famous and loved for its marketing activities. From the TV-advert campaign that made a whole generation greeting each other on the phone with “Whassup” to high-budget Super Bowl commercials and beyond.

But even in times before events like the Superbowl existed and when TV advertising was not invented yet, Budweiser was a marketing pioneer and well ahead of its time, even in difficult times like the prohibition.

The beginnings

But let’s go step by step, the roots of the brewery lay (no surprise) in another beer-loving country, Germany. Eberhard Anheuser was born in 1806 in the small German town of Kreuznach. After emigrating to the United States in 1842 he became a successful businessman as a candle and soap manufacturer. With the money he earned, he continuously invested in the already existing “Bavarian Brewery” which he completely owned by 1860. Ten years later he allowed his son-in-law Adolphus Busch to join the company, the business name of Anheuser-Busch as such has its origins in the company’s family ties.

Besides the strong family bond, one reason why Anheuser-Busch became such a powerful company was the vision of Adolphus Busch, to create a national beer brand for the USA. The company, therefore, was looking towards their European roots, and focused on a pale lager type of beer Bohemian immigrants from the city of Budweis took with them into the US.

As Pilsner beer is a beloved beer type all over Germany, the decision for a Pilsner for a new national beer by Anheuser and Busch, therefore, was an easy decision, and the famous US beer brand Budweiser was born and became a registered trademark in 1878.

To become a truly national beer, Adolphus Busch invested in cooling storage facilities across the US railway network to ensure the cooling of his product especially for long-distance transports, and thus provided a nationwide quality of his beer which led to high popularity and the success of the brand.

Die Prohibition in den USA

The ever-growing popularity of the Budweiser brand however was confronted with the political proposal by the US congress in 1917 to ban alcoholic drinks in the United States, as the early 20th century saw excesses in the personal consumption of alcohol which raised political concerns about the wellbeing of US-citizens. With the 18th amendment of the United States Constitution which was ratified by the US congress i.e. the requisite number of states in 1919 the prohibition of alcohol became a fact and lasted from 1920 till 1933.

This was a shock for all companies producing alcoholic beverages like Anheuser-Busch, as it caused a threat to the existence of the family business. Whereas the 18th amendment to the Constitution imposed a ban on alcoholic sales, the advertisement of such was not a part of the ban itself. Furthermore, even though the regular sales of alcohol was prohibited, the legal execution was lacking enforcement of local authorities. As such, loopholes existed, e.g. which allowed the sale of alcoholic products for medical reasons. Nevertheless, if you are not allowed to legally sell standard alcoholic beverages, companies were exposed to high risk if they still did, as in case of legal prosecution if they would get caught but also by the damaged reputation of the brand.

Budweiser, respectively the brand’s owner Anheuser-Busch solved the situation from different angles. They continued to advertise their brand Budweiser with emotional and patriotic ads, they joined an anti-prohibition movement, but also pushed existing non-alcohol products like their malt and frozen egg products and even came up with a new non-alcoholic beverage, to tackle the declining sales of alcoholic products.

With their patriotic ads, they included famous pioneers and heroes like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and many others to create and strengthen an emotional bond, in times when people were missing alcoholic beverages.

On the other hand, ads that were advertising the health benefits of Budweiser e.g. after sportive exercises or in general where Budweiser was displayed as liquid bread addressed the audience in favor of the alcohol ban.

And then there was Bevo, a clever strategic movement of Anheuser-Busch that introduced the near beer brand to the American people. Bevo initially was introduced to the United States Armed Forces, which already had to deal with an alcohol ban in 1916. Thus, Anheuser-Busch was able to push the product nationwide during the prohibition in 1920 and provided anyone who wanted to have a close-to-beer experience with Bevo. Anheuser-Busch also heavily invested in the Marketing of Bevo as the ads, but also the merchandise example does show, see below. Only a few years before the end of the ban, the production of Bevo was discontinued in 1927, which makes Bevo truly a prohibition phenomenon.

With their clever marketing strategies concerning product variety and emotional advertising techniques, Anheuser-Busch and respectively Budweiser managed to survive the prohibition period and continued to become one of the largest breweries in the world and the synonym for American beer and stays true to its focus on marketing. We are curious about what the future brings for Budweiser and what kind of clever ads they will come up with in the future.

Below, we feature some extraordinary but surprisingly not so famous examples of Budweiser advertising campaigns during prohibition which appeared in famous newspapers of the time.

Author: Marc Brida, Marketing Museum
In cooperation with the American Marketing Association, Charleston

Charleston AMA Launches Nonprofit Outreach Program

It started with the creation of a new Spark! award category in 2018, called The Giving Award. The Board of Directors saw that many members of our marketing community were giving generously of their time to help nonprofits and thought they deserved recognition for this valuable work. Developing a Nonprofit Outreach Program to create a virtual clearinghouse connecting nonprofits and marketers is the next logical step.

The last year has had a devastating impact on individuals and industries. Nonprofits are especially hard hit with many closing their doors in 2020.
There has been an almost 37% loss of jobs in the nonprofit sector. Two thirds of South Carolina nonprofits expect to run out of cash within the next six months. Dire times indeed. A positive pandemic outcome is that more and more people are looking for virtual volunteer opportunities, making the Nonprofit Outreach Program is a win/win.

Marketers participating in the program gain exposure to future clients through our online promotion of the work they develop for their chosen nonprofit.

We will be adding an online form to for volunteers to sign up and nonprofits to seek help in areas like logo design, email campaigns, website assistance, and SEO advice – any creative work that can be completed virtually or with safe-distancing.

Help us name the program. Come on, we’re marketers. Nonprofit Outreach Program is a little dull, don’t you think? Help us name the new program, and we’ll give you all the credit on social media.

Today, we begin community outreach, sharing the good news about our program. In the next 30 days we will roll out our online volunteer/nonprofit match-up form. The first year is dedicated to planning, development, and testing. We welcome your input and your questions. Do you want to volunteer? Do you know a worthy nonprofit? Contact Nonprofit Outreach Director, Maggie Mills, at

2020 SPARK! Award Winners

Thank you to everyone who submitted their outstanding work for our annual awards. This year, 110 exceptional entries were submitted in 21 categories reflecting the creativity and skillful execution of the applicants. Congratulations to our 2020 winners… 

Best Branding
Solvent Networks Branding – Chernoff Newman 

Best Corporate Blog
Tasting Notes – Charleston Wine + Food

Best Book Cover
G is for Gibbes: A Museum ABC Book – Banks Creative 

Best Collateral
PlanSource: Product Book – PlanSource

 Best Content Marketing
Cooper River Bridge Run | Mustache For Julian – Momentum Marketing 

Best Digital Ad
Stop Soldier Suicide Digital Ads – Push Digital

Best Direct Mail
Poe Group Advisors Direct Mailing – Trio Solutions

Best e-Newsletter
From the Kitchen – Charleston Wine + Food 

Best Event Marketing
48th Annual Charleston Scottish Games – Stingray Branding

 Best Fundraising Campaign
South Carolina Aquarium’s 2019 Gala – SC Aquarium

Best Social Media Presence
Stop Soldier Suicide Instagram Stories – Push Digital 

Best Use of Influencer Marketing
SpiiderGriip Influencer Campaign – The Brandon Agency

Best Illustration
G is for Gibbes: A Museum ABC Book – Banks Creative

Best Logo Design
Winyah Bay Brewing Company Logo – The Brandon Agency 

Best Non-Traditional Marketing
DAODAS Just Plain Killers Ambient – Chernoff Newman 

Best Outdoor Signage
DAODAS Underage Drinking – Chernoff Newman

Best Print Ad
Mex 1 Day of the Dead Print Ads – Mex 1 Coastal Cantina

Best Commercial Photography
Chosen Women’s Conference Victory Shoot: Seacoast Church – Seacoast Church 

Best Social Media Campaign
Stop Soldier Suicide Engagement Campaign – Push Digital 

Best Promotional Video
Lip Sync For Lungs – Motion Filmworks 

Best Website
GlideStep – Perfect Pitch Concepts

The Giving Award
TRIO Solutions

Volunteer of the Year
Mike Compton

Marketer of the Year
Alan Thompson


2020 SPARK! Awards Finalists

The results are in! This year, 110 exceptional entries were submitted in 21 categories reflecting the creativity and skillful execution of the applicants. Do you see your entries among the finalists? The Giving Award, Marketer of the Year, and Volunteer of the Year have been chosen and will be announced at the awards event.*

With so much spectacular work, choosing the winners was not easy. Entries were judged by the board of directors of the AMA Reno-Tahoe, AMA Triangle, and AMA Charlotte chapters. The top 3 entries were selected as finalists in each category. In the case of tied scores, up to 5 finalists were selected. We thank all of our judges for their time and assistance to make the 2020 Spark! Awards a success.

*After months of discussion and planning, we are hosting the Spark! Awards virtually on August 20th. Find out more information here


Best Branding

Seacoast Music – Seacoast Church

Solvent Networks Branding – Chernoff Newman

“Our Mighty Citadel” – The Citadel


Best Corporate Blog

South Carolina Aquarium Blog – SC Aquarium

Omatic Software Blog – Katie Biondo

Tasting Notes – Charleston Wine + Food

Wild Dunes Resort Blog – Wild Dunes Resort


Best Book Cover

The United States of Opioids: A Prescription For Liberating A Nation In Pain – Advantage Media Group

Say Grace: How the Restaurant Business Saved My Life – Advantage Media Group

Monkey Money Mind: How To Stop Monkeying Around With Your Money – Advantage Media Group

G is for Gibbes: A Museum ABC Book – Banks Creative


Best Collateral

SC Ports Annual Report – Chernoff Newman

PlanSource: Mastering the Art of Benefits – PlanSource

PlanSource: Product Book – PlanSource

Seacoast Magazine – Seacoast Church


Best Content Marketing

Feature Stories for “Our Mighty Citadel” – The Citadel

SCEC NoExcuseSC Campaign – Chernoff Newman

PlanSource: Workplace Wellness – PlanSource

Cooper River Bridge Run | Mustache For Julian – Momentum Marketing


Best Digital Ad

Stop Soldier Suicide Digital Ads – Push Digital

Palmetto Moon: Cyber Monday Madness – Momentum Marketing


Best Direct Mail

Real Trends Top 250 Direct Mail Campaign – BoomTown

Poe Group Advisors Direct Mailing – Trio Solutions

Wild Dunes Golf – Wild Dunes Resorts


Best e-Newsletter

Meals on Wheels Summerville – Nelson Strategic Marketing

South Carolina Aquarium’s Conservation Matters – SC Aquarium

From the Kitchen – Charleston Wine + Food 


Best Event Marketing

Mex 1 Coastal Cantina Rail Jam – Mex 1 Coastal Cantina

PlanSource Eclipse: Conference Event Marketing – PlanSource

SC Department of Ag 2019 SEWE – Chernoff Newman

48th Annual Charleston Scottish Games – Stingray Branding


Best Fundraising Campaign

South Carolina Aquarium’s 2019 Gala – SC Aquarium


Best Social Media Presence

Sweetgrass Plastic Surgery – Momentum Marketing

SafeShowings Social Media – Nelson Strategic Marketing

Charleston Wine + Food Instagram – Charleston Wine + Food

Stop Soldier Suicide Instagram Stories – Push Digital


Best Use of Influencer Marketing

SpiiderGriip Influencer Campaign – The Brandon Agency


Best Illustration

South Carolina Aquarium Shark Week – SC Aquarium

Cooper River Bridge Run | Mustache For Julian – Momentum Marketing

G is for Gibbes: A Museum ABC Book – Banks Creative


Best Logo Design

Coastal Community Foundation’s New Logo – Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina

Hotel Anthem Logo – Chernoff Newman

Winyah Bay Brewing Company Logo – The Brandon Agency

Hibben Preschool Logo – Banks Creative


Best Non-Traditional Marketing

DAODAS Just Plain Killers Ambient – Chernoff Newman

Charleston Int’l Airport Baggage Claim Art – SC Aquarium

Tasting Notes Live! – Charleston Wine + Food


Best Outdoor Signage

Fetter is Here – Trio Solutions

DAODAS Underage Drinking – Chernoff Newman

Black Refractions: Highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem – Banks Creative


Best Print Ad

Mex 1 Day of the Dead Print Ads – Mex 1 Coastal Cantina

Reasons to Visit Campaign – SC Aquarium

Dermatology and Laser Center Glow Night Event – Push Digital


Best Commercial Photography

Chosen Women’s Conference Victory Shoot: Seacoast Church – Seacoast Church


Best Social Media Campaign

Library Card Signup Month – Charleston County Public Library

ECCO Brand Awareness – Trio Solutions

CHS British Airways Takes Off – Chernoff Newman

Stop Soldier Suicide Engagement Campaign – Push Digital


Best Promotional Video

BoomTown’s Unite 2019 Promo Video – BoomTown

Success Assurance, by BoomTown – BoomTown

PlanSource: Mastering the Art of Benefits – PlanSource

We Are Sizzle – Charleston Wine + Food

Lip Sync For Lungs – Motion Filmworks


Best Website

GlideStep – Perfect Pitch Concepts

Nuthouse Website – Chernoff Newman

Farm to School Website – Chernoff Newman

Steve Palmer Personal Brand Website – Advantage|ForbesBooks

Charleston Scottish Games – Stingray Branding

2019 SPARK! Award Winners

Thank you to everyone who submitted their outstanding work for this year’s awards. We had a record-breaking number of entries and numerous ties. Congratulations to our 2019 winners…

Best Branding
Eclipse Branding, PlanSource

Best Corporate Blog
Omatic Software Blog, Omatic Software

Best Book Cover
“Eat Yourself Sick,” Advantage Media Group | ForbesBooks

Best Collateral
Experience Our Story, Charleston Wine + Food

Best Content Marketing
SC Department of Agriculture: Know Your Roots Video, Chernoff Newman

Best Digital Ad
SC Ports Authority Banner, Chernoff Newman

Best Direct Mail
SC Dept of Agriculture: Chicken Book, Chernoff Newman

Best e-Newsletter
South Carolina Aquarium: Sea Turtle Care Center Newsletters, South Carolina Aquarium

Best Event Marketing
2019 Charleston Wine + Food Festival, Charleston Wine + Food

Best Fundraising Campaign
Save the Pelicans, Banks Creative

Best Social Media Presence
Charleston Wine + Food Instagram, Charleston Wine + Food

Best Corporate Identity Package
Kyle Carpenter Brand Identity, Chernoff Newman

Best Use of Influencer Marketing
#froggtoggsprostaff, The Brandon Agency

Best Illustration
Festival Napa Valley, Banks Creative

Best Logo Design
Saw Moon Design, George Stevens

Best Non-Traditional Marketing
Just Plain Killers Dispensary, Chernoff Newman

Best Outdoor Signage
SC Ports Authority Volvo Creative, Chernoff Newman

Best Print Ad
Insiders Forum: New Year. Improved Forum., Advantage Media Group | ForbesBooks

Best Commercial Photography
Drive Himalaya Worldwide 2018 Marketing Campaign, Foxworthy Studios, Inc.

Best Social Media Campaign
SC Dept of Agriculture: Fresh on the Menu, Chernoff Newman

Best Promotional Video
“Where’s the Love?” Seacoast Church

Best Website
Charleston County Economic Development, Charleston County Economic Development

Charlotte Woodward

Katie Biondo

Holly Fisher

2019 SPARK! Awards Finalists

Will you hit the jackpot in this year’s Spark! Awards?  

The results are in, and luck had nothing to do with it! This year, 167 exceptional entries were submitted in 22 categories reflecting the creativity and skillful execution of the applicants. Do you see your entries among the finalists? The Giving Award, Marketer of the Year, and Volunteer of the Year have been chosen as well.

With so much spectacular work, choosing the winners was not easy. Entries were judged by the board of directors of the AMA Reno-Tahoe and AMA Cincinnati chapters. Tiebreaking assistance was provided by Gina Bonar, past president and vice president of Strategic Alignment at AMA Cincinnati and CAMA’s Professional Chapter representative. The top 3 entries were selected as finalists in each category. In the case of tied scores, up to 5 finalists were selected. Marketer of the Year nominations were judged by a select committee of AMA Charleston’s past chapter leaders. We thank all of our judges for their time and assistance to make the Spark! Awards a success.

Join us at the 2019 Spark! Awards on April 11th at Harborside East. You’ll see the work of the Lowcountry’s best and brightest marketers. Mix and mingle with Charleston’s creative leaders, and find out who will take home this year’s Spark! Awards. This year’s theme is Casino Royale, so come dressed to dazzle, and see what special surprises we have in store for you.

Best Branding

Frogg Toggs Product Branding – The Brandon Agency

PlanSource – Eclipse Branding – Plan Source

Just Plain Killers – Chernoff Newman

The Chattooga Club Brand Development – Rawle Murdy

Best Corporate Blog

Authority Marketing Blog: The Business Growth Gateway – Advantage Media Group | ForbesBooks

Tasting Notes – Charleston Wine & Food

Omatic Software Blog – Omatic Software

Best Book Cover

Eat Yourself Sick – Advantage Media Group | ForbesBooks

The Line by Keith Farrell – Katie Biondo

PlanSource – Book Cover – PlanSource

Best Collateral

Experience Our Story – Charleston Wine + Food

SC Ports Authority: 2018 Annual Report – Chernoff Newman

Gibbes Street Party: Paint Your Palate – Gibbes Museum of Art

PlanSource – Corporate Book – PlanSource

Best Content Marketing

Ecommerce Beauty Report – Blue Acorn

SC Department of Agriculture: Know Your Roots Video – Chernoff Newman

Gwynn’s of Mount Pleasant | Digital Advent Calendar – Momentum Marketing

Sisterhood Magazine – Chosen Women’s Conference 2018 – Seacoast Church

Best Digital Ad

Nearly Clone Yourself with BoomTown – BoomTown

SC Ports Authority Banner – Chernoff Newman

Peds “Now You See Them” – Matchstick Social

Pick Me SC, A No Kill SC Ad Campaign – The Modern Connection

Best Direct Mail

Cheers to Your New Book! – Advantage Media Group | ForbesBooks

Holiday Magic Event Promo and Parking Voucher – Banks Creative

SC Dept of Agriculture: Chicken Book – Chernoff Newman

Best e-Newsletter

Hook+Gaff New Watch Launch Email Campaign – The Brandon Agency

Bootjack Newsletter Blasts – The Modern Connection

South Carolina Aquarium: Sea Turtle Care Center Newsletters – South Carolina Aquarium

For Good Connections – TRIO Solutions

Best Event Marketing

Charleston Farmers Market – Banks Creative

2019 Charleston Wine + Food Festival – Charleston Wine + Food

Riverbanks Zoo: Gender Reveal – Chernoff Newman

Gay Bingo – Palmetto Community Care – Fisher Creative

Best Fundraising Campaign

Save the Pelicans – Banks Creative

Chef Shane Whiddon Memorial Scholarship – Holy City Hospitality

2018 Building Local Prosperity Week: Fundraising Campaign – Lowcountry Local First

Best Social Media Presence

Charleston Wine + Food Instagram – Charleston Wine + Food

SC Department of Agriculture- Peach off – Chernoff Newman

South Carolina Aquarium: Twitter – South Carolina Aquarium

Best Corporate Identity Package

Kyle Carpenter Brand Identity – Chernoff Newman

Hutson Alley – Holy City Hospitality

Best Use of Influencer Marketing

#froggtoggsprostaff – The Brandon Agency

Harry Barker Influencer Campaign – Lovingood Media

2018 Eat Local Challenge: Influencer Marketing – Lowcountry Local First

Best Illustration

Festival Napa Valley – Banks Creative

Best Logo Design

Whitesides Elementary Logo – Banks Creative

Saw Moon design – George Stevens

Cajun Mama’s Vinyl Creations – Stingray Branding LLC

Best Non-Traditional Marketing

Just Plain Killers Dispensary – Chernoff Newman

Angel Wings – Gibbes Museum of Art

Cooper the Chicken/Terry & Tim Haas – Fisher Creative

“Terminix Tasties” Partnership with Columbia Fireflies – Rawle Murdy

Best Outdoor Signage

Drayton Hall Outdoor Map – Banks Creative

SC Ports Authority Volvo Creative – Chernoff Newman

Patriots Point “History Comes Alive” Billboard – Rawle Murdy

Best Print Ad

Insiders Forum: New Year. Improved Forum. – Advantage Media Group | ForbesBooks

Experience Our Story – Charleston Food + Wine

Poultry Federation- Egg Campaign – Chernoff Newman

Best Commercial Photography

Camping Coffee Lifestyle – Andy H Photo

Drive Himalaya Worldwide 2018 Marketing Campaign – Foxworthy Studios, Inc.

Patriots Point “History Comes Alive” Photo Shoot – Rawle Murdy

Best Social Media Campaign

SC Dept of Agriculture: Fresh on the Menu – Chernoff Newman

Cooper River Bridge Run | Instagram Social – Momentum Marketing

#DiscoverJacksonNC – Rawle Murdy

Best Promotional Video

Manage the Monster –BoomTown

2019 Festival Sizzle – Charleston Wine + Food

“Where’s the Love?” –  Seacoast Church

PlanSource – Eclipse Promo Video – PlanSource

Best Website

Bourbon n’ Bubbles –  Katie Biondo

Charleston County Economic Development – Charleston County Economic Development

Duvall Catering & Events Website Revamp – The Modern Connection

Why You Should Become an AMA Presenter

Have you ever considered giving a professional presentation on your marketing expertise? In the American Marketing Association (AMA), we love to learn how our community members are leading the way in the marketing industry. Here are a just a few of the ways that speaking at an AMA event can help you connect, grow and succeed.

Get in front of your ideal clients and contacts.

Professional associations already provide the ideal setting to meet your future clients, colleagues, and employers, but handing out business cards can only get you so far. Giving a presentation in AMA is far more effective networking than shaking hands at the bar! You can make a lasting impression on dozens of professionals in the short span of an hour. Your presentation style will give attendees an idea of what it’s like to work with you – and you may see new opportunities on the horizon within a matter of days!

Establish yourself and your company as a thought leader.

Your clients have access to more options and information than ever before, and they want to work with businesses and consultants with proven expertise, not just a slick advertising campaign. Show them what you’re made of! Speaking to your AMA chapter provides an opportunity to tell a room full of industry professionals what you can offer, and why you’re the best person to offer it, through your knowledge and firsthand stories of success. If your presentation provides a time-saving tip or a valuable idea to attendees, you’ll be the first person on their mind when they need help in the future.

Hone your public speaking skills.

An estimated 27 million Americans fear public speaking. Are you one of them? The idea of standing before a crowded room and saying the right words can impart anxiety to even the most outgoing of us. However, public speaking is one of the most essential skills that employers seek in managers and executives. Your AMA chapter, the community that marketers turn to for learning and idea sharing, is a perfect place to practice your public speaking. An experienced chapter member may be willing to mentor you to make your presentation the best it can be. AMA offers opportunities to present to audiences of different sizes and levels of expertise through its Signature Luncheons, Coffee Talks, and other special events.

Give back to your community.

Think for a moment about the people who helped you get to where you are in your career today. In marketing, no one can make it alone – and presenting to AMA is a meaningful way to give back to your professional community. If you’ve got something worthwhile to say, don’t keep it to yourself. Your presentation could change the course of someone’s career!

Want to try your hand at presenting? Contact our Programming Director at to find out about upcoming opportunities.

Kelly Nelson is the immediate past president of AMA Charleston and an MBA candidate at the College of Charleston. She has given two presentations on email marketing through AMA Charleston’s Coffee Talk series.