Have you ever considered giving a professional presentation on your marketing expertise? In the American Marketing Association (AMA), we love to learn how our community members are leading the way in the marketing industry. Here are a just a few of the ways that speaking at an AMA event can help you connect, grow and succeed.
Get in front of your ideal clients and contacts.
Professional associations already provide the ideal setting to meet your future clients, colleagues, and employers, but handing out business cards can only get you so far. Giving a presentation in AMA is far more effective networking than shaking hands at the bar! You can make a lasting impression on dozens of professionals in the short span of an hour. Your presentation style will give attendees an idea of what it’s like to work with you – and you may see new opportunities on the horizon within a matter of days!
Establish yourself and your company as a thought leader.
Your clients have access to more options and information than ever before, and they want to work with businesses and consultants with proven expertise, not just a slick advertising campaign. Show them what you’re made of! Speaking to your AMA chapter provides an opportunity to tell a room full of industry professionals what you can offer, and why you’re the best person to offer it, through your knowledge and firsthand stories of success. If your presentation provides a time-saving tip or a valuable idea to attendees, you’ll be the first person on their mind when they need help in the future.
Hone your public speaking skills.
An estimated 27 million Americans fear public speaking. Are you one of them? The idea of standing before a crowded room and saying the right words can impart anxiety to even the most outgoing of us. However, public speaking is one of the most essential skills that employers seek in managers and executives. Your AMA chapter, the community that marketers turn to for learning and idea sharing, is a perfect place to practice your public speaking. An experienced chapter member may be willing to mentor you to make your presentation the best it can be. AMA offers opportunities to present to audiences of different sizes and levels of expertise through its Signature Luncheons, Coffee Talks, and other special events.
Give back to your community.
Think for a moment about the people who helped you get to where you are in your career today. In marketing, no one can make it alone – and presenting to AMA is a meaningful way to give back to your professional community. If you’ve got something worthwhile to say, don’t keep it to yourself. Your presentation could change the course of someone’s career!
Want to try your hand at presenting? Contact our Programming Director at programming@charlestonama.org to find out about upcoming opportunities.
Kelly Nelson is the immediate past president of AMA Charleston and an MBA candidate at the College of Charleston. She has given two presentations on email marketing through AMA Charleston’s Coffee Talk series.